Mar 14·edited Mar 14

Went straight to the library app and borrowed My Dark Vanessa!! Half afraid of how I'll react to it...

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I recommend The Book you wished your parents had read by Phillippa Perry. As the child of a chaotic upbringing, after having my son I want to try a different approach.

I re-read certain sections a lot !!

It has also helped to de-tangle sone of my memories.

But word of warning-she has to be the most chill mum ever !!

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Such a great idea, I can't wait to read the comments! A few suggestions are below 🥰

A Half Baked Idea by Olivia Potts about a woman who trained to be a lawyer and then gave it all up when her mother died to retrain at Le Cordon Bleu to become a pastry chef. Anyone thinking of starting a career over!

Exercised by Daniel Lieberman is as the title suggests, about exercise but made me think about it all very differently - he doesn't discuss exercise/movement as a way to change our bodies or lose weight or any of that it's more how we are built to move and how it benefits our lives in so many ways.

Rodham by Curtis Sittenfeld is simply my favorite book of all time and I recommend it to everyone.

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