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Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow | How Much Did I Spend Last Week? July 11-17, 2022

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Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow | How Much Did I Spend Last Week? July 11-17, 2022

A DIY Ikea endeavour, two new subscriptions and a sad farewell.

Time is such a liar, isn’t it? My parents and I flew here from Ireland six weeks ago, and I thought, we have so much time together – but here we are, six weeks later, and the time has flown by.

I didn’t get to put Dad to work, building our catio! (Although I did put him to work helping Brandin build our swing set, so I suppose that’s something.) We never went for wings! Beatrice and Mum and I didn’t go for an overnight trip to the Bradley, a new (ish) hotel downtown! We never went to Roanoke for afternoon tea!

There will always be next time, I suppose – they’re already planning on coming back for Thanksgiving and Christmas – and, in the meantime, I can gaze at physical photographs of them, thanks to the photo subscription service I signed up for this week, along with, er, other things.


Burning questions my days are now taken up with include: how does Atlas sleep with his head quite literally rammed up against the bars of his crib?

How does Atlas sleep through the very noisy bin collection people?

How does Atlas wake up the minute my toast pops up out of the toaster?

As you can tell, I lead a very exciting life these days.

I have a freelance gig I’m doing each week that is due on Tuesdays, but due to the time difference, I’m trying to get it done on Mondays, but today the boys are here so it’s not that easy to get anything done. (I have not quite honed my ability to completely blank out the sound of arguing over Minecraft…)

I ask my parents if they’ll come over and take the boys back to Bea’s with them to play with the Kirkland boys, and I go and join them when Atlas wakes up after lunch. I cajole Dad into toasting me a bagel with avocado and mozzarella for my lunch. (Why does Beatrice always have nicer lunch stuff than me?! Note to self: buy mozzarella and bagels. I almost always have avocados, at least.)

We head home at dinner time and grill chicken thighs on the barbecue.

My Old Navy Pay in 4 payment comes out. ($24.07)

Daily total: $24.07

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